Designing Custom Apparel and Merch

Designing my own clothes and merch to reflect my personal brand and values

Feb 2024: Secret Message / Hidden Phrase Apparel

I liked the idea of someone unlocking the full message / performance behind a piece if they were curious enough to ask. For example, in the sweatshirt shown below, if someone notices one of the "hip's" on the sleeve and asks about it, the wearer could put both sleeves together, say hip hip, then spin around, put up the hood and reveal the secret "hooray" under the hood. The goal is to reward the observer and make them feel like they unlocked a secret phrase / performance because they were curious enough to ask. Interested in exploring different types of messages / catch phrases and locations on apparel.

Dec 2023: Ailments Collection  

Usually, people wear merch showcasing their favorite sports teams or bands. I liked the idea of having an apparel collection where people showcase different ailments that they have. See below. Other examples of simiilar merch I've made are sweatpants that say "knee pain" on the knee.

Nov 2023: Mom / Auntie Collection

Created different merchandise based on common catchphrases and slogans that my mom says.