Red Mailbox Project


My friends and I set up red mailboxes around the city for strangers to write letters to each other. Just for kicks. We put them up in public parks, community spaces and even partner with small businesses and local venues. Every time we find a new letter, it feels like discovering treasure. We hope you like and feel the same.

Get Involved

Currently, the project is fully self-funded. It costs about ~$30 dollars in total to set up each mailbox.

For Individuals: If you’re interested in donating, reach out, we’ll set up a new mailbox and name you as a contributor below.If you’re interested in providing feedback, helping us set up the mailboxes or want to hang out, please reach out to

For Partnerships: If you’re a local business or have a space where you’d like to sponsor a mailbox, please reach out to


Very much inspired by:
Little Free Library
Strangers Project
Humans of NY